Air Pollution is an invisible enemy for Allergies

Outdoor air pollution is a global problem that has a major impact on our health. But did you know that indoor air pollutants can be up to five times more concentrated than outdoor air pollutants? The way we cook, clean and live pollutes the air inside, and is compounded by the fact that we spend up to 90% of our lives indoors.

Types of Allergies

There are many types of allergies. Some allergies are seasonal and others are year-round. Some allergies may be life-long.

  • Mold Allergy- Mold and mildew are fungi. They are year round
  • Dust & Pet dander Allergy- Allergies to pets with fur and dust mites are common.
  • Pollen allergy- Pollen is one of the most common triggers of seasonal allergies. Many people know pollen allergy as “hay fever,”

Seasonal Allergies:

People who suffer from allergies can feel miserable year-round, but there are particular seasons that are worse than others. While you may assume spring (February –May) is the worst time for allergies, you may be surprised to find that fall and winter are just as bad, depending on the type of allergies a person suffers from.

April & May: Beware Tree Allergies

In Canada and parts of the USA, April and May are the worst months for people with tree allergies. Trees like ash, alder, oak and walnut produce large amounts of airborne pollen.

June and July: The Worst for Grass Allergies

This is when the pollens from grass are spreading their pollen. Lower pollen counts for grasses cause less severe symptoms however grass pollination last longer with grasses, so people with grass pollen allergies usually have their symptoms last longer. Symptoms include itchy and watery eyes

Mid-July Mold Blooms

People who suffer from allergies to mold and outdoor fungi feel their allergies are worse in the late summer. But there are also those individuals who suffer year-round, because they suffer from multiple allergy types.

August-October- The Dreaded Ragweed Season

From August to October, ragweed produces a lot of pollen in the air causing a lot of misery for allergy sufferers.

Why have allergies become worse this year?

Covid-19 has had a huge impact on our day to day routine. The ‘new normal’ is comprised of lockdowns, curfews, work from home, online classes and a general advice to stay indoors which has made it essential to ensure the indoor quality of the air is high.

People with Allergies may be at higher risk for contracting COVID-19, due to several reasons:

  • Anytime a person with seasonal allergies are experiencing symptoms, their immune system may be a little more stressed than during non-pollen seasons.
  • When allergies are present, things itch-- and then we scratch.
    The mucous lining of our eyes, nose, and throat becomes irritated and makes us more likely to become sick.
  • Allergy symptoms may be confused with viral inflammatory symptoms.

Preventing Allergic Reactions and Controlling Allergies

While there are many things that contribute to the invisible enemy in the indoor spaces, the good news is there are some simple things we can do to reduce the indoor air pollution levels in our homes.

The first and best option is to avoid contact with allergens. Other prevention tips are:

  • Don’t touch or rub your nose.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water.
  • Vacuum the house to reduce the suspended particulates.
  • Wash your bed linens and pillowcases in hot water and detergent to reduce allergens.
  • Use dust-mite proof covers for pillows, comforters, duvets, mattresses and box springs.
  • Keep pets out of the bedroom to reduce pet dander in your bedding.
  • Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to minimize pollen getting into your eyes.
  • Keep windows closed during high pollen and mold seasons.
  • Use an Air Purifier with a good HEPA filter which helps in removing: Household chemicals, pollen, mold spores, dust, allergens, odors, and VOCs in the air, at your homes and workspaces.

Can Air purifiers reduce allergy symptoms?

Allergy and asthma control begins at home. Many people with allergies stay indoors when pollen and mold is high. But dust mites, pet dander and even cockroaches can exacerbate asthma and allergy symptoms.

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends three ways you can improve indoor air quality:

  • Control your contact with indoor airborne allergens
  • Ventilate your indoor areas well
  • Use Air Purifiers with a HEPA filter to clean indoor air. Air purifiers can remove pollen and other allergic triggers. 

What the research says:

  • An independent study* was conducted using the Airpura P600 and the UV600 to measure the removal rates of mold spores, bacteria and viruses.  It was concluded that the removal rate of airborne mold spores (including the dangerous black mold) was 99.97%! The units also have 18 lbs of carbon for odors and gases and a large medical grade HEPA filter for fine particulate matter.
  • *Study conducted by Dr. Wladyslaw Kowalski, Aerobiological Engineering, LLC, 2015 on behalf of Airpura concluded that A medical grade HEPA filter provides powerful particle reduction of 99.97% of particulate matter as small as 0.3 microns including PM2.5, pollen, dust, dander.
  • In lab studies, the Airpura filtration system has been proven to mitigate most VOCs and toxic gases in the air. The 40 square feet of medical grade HEPA will remove 99.97% of dangerous particles (including the dangerous ultrafine particles) from your air.


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