Sick Building Syndrome August 11, 2021Husna SultanaSICK BUILDING SYNDROME Sick Building Syndrome is a term used to describe a condition in which otherwise healthy individuals with no existing health issues experience acute health conditions when they...
Air Purifiers for Hair and Nail Salons August 4, 2021Husna SultanaAir Purifiers for Hair Salons Beauty treatments are a wonderful way to pamper ourselves. But danger may be lurking in the products being used in hair and nail salons. Customers...
Air Purifiers for Renovations and New Homes July 15, 2021Husna SultanaWhat makes the indoor air toxic during a renovation? When planning to renovate or remodel your house, your breathing air can be negatively impacted. The release of tiny, microscopic particles...
Outdoor Air Pollution Can be Killing You July 5, 2021Husna SultanaAmbient (outdoor) air pollution in both cities and rural areas was estimated to cause 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide per year in 2016; this mortality is due to exposure to...
Air Purifiers for Evidence Rooms June 4, 2021Husna SultanaWritten by: Husna Sultana Air purifiers for Evidence rooms Protecting the ones who protect us! Police officers are keepers of the law. To maintain law and order, they face many...
From Pandemic to Endemic: Learning to Live with COVID-19 June 2, 2021Husna SultanaAn infection is said to be endemic in a population when there is the constant presence of it. This is the natural progression of many human infections such as HIV...